This is one way of writing summaries. If you have agreed to another way in class (e.g. without a conclusion sentence in the end) follow the guidelines you have developed in
You will learn how to write a summaries by writing summaries. After you have written one you can check whether you have followed the rules with this video. Also, you can ask someone to give you a
feedback on your summaries.
Finding a good video about this is really difficult. I chose this one because the guy is young and gives good advice. Nevertheless, if I find a video that is a bit slower and clearer I'll post
this. If you find one, please forward it to me.
Maybe I'll make a video one day. Until then it might be the best advice if you stick to the materials and advice you got in class.
There are also different approaches here.
There are plenty of videos online about how to give a speech. You might want to browse through them and see for yourself which topics you're interested in and which styles appeal to
Also: The best way to giving good speeches is to rehearse it. Do it in front of the mirror, with a friend or in class. Practice makes perfect.
Again, practice makes perfect, but a few pieces of advice won't harm you. If you don't like this video find others that you prefer.
Anyway, using visual is a good advice of hers, but you'd certainly want to use a more professional looking background with slides and pictures.
You have got a whole list of phrases you can use in a discussion. Which ones do you recognize? You also know a many phrases that are a bit more sophisticated. Maybe you should make a