
What's the difference between the American melting pot and Canadian multiculturalism?

What could push and pull factors in immigration be? Write down what you think it is.

Now watch the movie and add push and pull factors to your lists. Of course this doesn't only apply to Canada.

Canadian students created a little show about Canadian identity and stereotypes in the style of a news show with many correspondents in different areas of Canada.

Of course this is a joke, but still: Which impression do you get of Canada? What's the conclusion the hosts draw?

Just enjoy.

If you have a lot of time, watch this video about day to day life in Canada. Take notes and comment on the question in how far a video like this might be helpful for new immigrants.

Although Canada is famous for its beautiful nature, it is also endangered because oil can be found but transporting the oil harms nature severely

Canada has promised to help fight global warming but is tempted since there is so much money in the oil business.

As you know from the stereotypes section of this website defining a culture is a very difficult thing to do. This little documentary tries to be very careful when introducing the viewers to aboriginal peoples of Canada.

Write down information you get and take note of how they manage to avoid overgeneralizing.

Just for an emotional connection. You might recognize some of these people.