Listen to the song performed by John Legend at the Superbowl this year. Describe the atmosphere of the song.
Can you imagine a song with similar lyrics and feel about Germany? Why? Why not?
Take notes of your own dreams. What would you like to achieve in life? Now look at the BBC video about the American dream.
Write down a definition.
What is similar to your dreams?
"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Many meetings and often school days start with the pledge of allegiance. Look up unfamiliar words and translate the sentence. Try saying it in front of a mirror with a hand on your
In the naturalization ceremony new citizens speak the oath of allegiance. Pre-watching: Write down what you think foreigners should swear when they come to a new country.
Post-watching: What's your opinion about the oath of allegiance.
Australian speaker and comedian is giving a speech about gun control that makes his audience laugh and think.
Watch it if you want to laugh and find out what an Australian accent sounds like.
Watch and write down his points.
In 2013, the president, shaken to the core by the massacre of 26 innocents at Sandy Hook Elementary School, broke his own informal "Obama Rule" — of never leaning into an issue without a clear path to victory — first by pushing for a massive gun control package no one expected to pass, and then sticking through it even as he retrenched to a relatively modest bipartisan bill mandating national background checks on gun purchases."